Get your 3 pieces into a row in the center of the board before you get kicked back out!
Downloadable Rules:
Andrew Looney
Year Created:
Available In:

Stuff You Need To Play:
1 Trio per player, each in a different color
2 six-sided dice
Volcano Board (5x5 grid)
TwinWin cards may be useful as color reminders
Publication History
- This game was first released as the Looney Labs Holiday Gift for 2010.
- Pharaoh was included in the pyramid-bag edition of Treehouse as a bonus game.
- Pharaoh was included in Pyramid Primer #1. The rules from that version are still availble in this PDF.
- Pharaoh is one of the 22 games featured in Pyramid Arcade.
- Pharaoh is highlighted in the instructions for Nomids as being another game you can play with that said, along with 2 other games (Treehouse and Pyramid-Sham-Bo).
Other Notes
- The Looney Labs FAQ page has a section for Questions about this game.
- The original version of Pharaoh only used a single D6 (instead of rolling two with the larger value counting) and also marked the corners off as being unreachable (a detail later omitted as unneeded).