The TimeLine (32 cards)
- 1770: Tea Exempted in Tax Repeal
- 1773: Boston Tea Party
- 1775: Shots Fired at Lexington
- 1776: Declaration of Independence
- 1780: French Arrive
- 1781: British Surrender at Yorktown
- 1783: Treaty of Paris
- 1787: Constitution Written
- 1791: Bill of Rights Passed
- 1803: Louisiana Purchase
- 1804: Lewis & Clark Expedition
- 1813: Tecumseh Dies in Battle
- 1814: British Burn DC
- 1815: Battle of New Orleans
- 1836: Battle of the Alamo
- 1838: Trail of Tears
- 1845: Texas Gains Statehood
- 1846: Section of DC Returned to VA
- 1848: California Gold Rush
- 1861: Maryland Votes Not to Secede
- 1862: Rebels Retreat
- 1864: Sherman's March to the Sea
- 1866: Reconstruction Begins
- 1867: Alaska Purchase
- 1871: Great Chicago Fire
- 1876: Custer's Last Stand
- 1881: Garfield Dies
- 1886: Statue of Liberty Opens
- 1890: Massacre at Wounded Knee
- 1898: Spanish-American War Begins
- 1904: Work Begins on Panama Canal
- 1916: Star-Spangled Banner Becomes National Anthem
Artifacts (14 cards)
- Pollution-Free Flying Car
- Infinite-Duration Batteries
- Matter Replicator
- Mating Pair of Dodo Birds
- Woolly Mammoth Steak
- General Tso's Chicken
- Marie Antoinette's Cake
- Napoleon's Napoleon
- Moctezuma's Chocolatl
- Negative-Calorie Pizza
- Captain Kidd's Treasure Chest
- The Golden Spike
- The Golden Calf
- Franklin's Kite
Gadgets (6 cards)
- Extra Large Time Machine
- Very Clean Time Machine
- Super Deluxe Time Machine
- Temporal Shield
- Head-in-a-Jar
- Chrono-FRED
Actions (14 cards)
- Get There First (4)
- Discontinuity (2)
- Sell an Artifact (Midas Bonus)
- Sell an Artifact (Dessert Bonus)
- Sell an Artifact (Entree Bonus)
- Perform a "Miracle" (Popular Science)
- Voluntary Re-Assignment
- It Never Existed
- Your Parents Never Met
- Time Vortex
- Rewind (4)
- Fast Forward (2)
- Memo from Your Future Self (2)
- Quick Trip into the Future (2)
Gold Watches (4 cards)
for playing ÜberChrononauts
More Lists:

Patches (20 cards)
- 1773': Boston Cake Riot
- 1776': An Appeal to World Opinion
- 1781': Dutch Arrive
- 1783': British Surrender at New Amsterdam
- 1791': Articles As Amended Are Adopted
- 1804': Russia Buys Louisiana Territory
- 1838': Cherokee Indians Not Removed
- 1845': Texas Uprising Provokes War
- 1846': DC Stays Square
- 1848': California Gold War
- 1864': Lee's March to DC
- 1866': South Wins Civil War
- 1867': Cuba Purchase
- 1876': Indian Peace Treaty of 1876
- 1881': Garfield Lives
- 1886': Statue of Freedom Built
- 1890': Indian Nation Founded
- 1898': Second War Between the States Begins
- 1904': USA Re-United
- 1916': America the Beautiful Named National Anthem
Inverters (16 cards)
- Reverse Fate (9)
- Restore History
- Halt Attack
- Suppress Information
- Spread Rumors
- Steal Plans
- Start a Fight
- Sway Voting
Missions (10 cards)
- Ben's Lightning-Fast Pizza Delivery
- Midas Mission
- "I Eat Famous People's Food"
- Infinite Eats
- 3-Course Menu
- Just Desserts
- Future Alchemist
- Cake & Steak & Eggs
- Smithsonian's Shopping List
- Batteries Included
IDs (14 cards)
- Jeremiah
- TimeWalker
- Jim
- Steve
- Maria
- Sharon
- Kevin
- Norman
- Rose
- Minkoff
- Dr. O'Reilly
- Donald
- Ivan
- Spa Fon
This makes a total of 140 cards in the box. A rulesheet is also included.