Keepers (18 cards)
- Brain
- Bread
- Chocolate
- Cookies
- Death
- Dreams
- Love
- Milk
- Money
- Moon
- Peace
- Rocket
- Sleep
- Sun
- Television
- Time
- Toaster
- War
Actions (20 cards)
* previously 21 Actions in version 3.0. "I Need a Goal" was dropped in 3.1
* previously 21 Actions in version 3.0. "I Need a Goal" was dropped in 3.1
- Jackpot (replaced "Go Fish" in version 3.0)
- Discard and Draw
- Draw 2 and use 'em
- Draw, 3, Play 2 of them
- Empty the Trash
- Everybody Gets 1
- Exchange Keepers
- Let's Do That Again
- Let's Simplify
- No Limits
- Rotate Hands
- Rules Reset
- Scramble Keepers
- Steal a Keeper
- Take Another Turn
- Taxation
- Trade Hands
- Trash a Keeper
- Trash a New Rule
- Use What You Take
Special Cards (2 cards)
* previously 1 Special Card. "Join the Fluxx Fan Club" was added for version 3.1
- Basic Rules
- Join the Fluxx Fan Club

New Rules (21 cards)
- Draw 2
- Draw 3
- Draw 4
- Draw 5
- Play 2
- Play 3
- Play 4
- Play All
- Hand Limit 0
- Hand Limit 1
- Hand Limit 2
- Keeper Limit 2
- Keeper Limit 3
- Keeper Limit 4
- Double Agenda
- Reverse Order
- First Play Random
- No-Hand Bonus
- Poor Bonus
- Rich Bonus
- Inflation (was called "X = X + 1" in version 3.0)
Goals (23 cards)
- 10 Cards in Hand
- 5 Keepers
- All You Need is Love
- Appliances
- Baked Goods
- Bed Time
- Brain (no TV)
- Chocolate Cookies
- Chocolate Milk
- Death by Chocolate
- Dreamland
- Hearts and Minds
- Hippyism
- Milk and Cookies
- Night and Day
- Peace (no War)
- Rocket Science
- Rocket to the Moon
- Squishy Chocolate
- Time is Money
- Toast
- War = Death
- Winning the Lottery
This makes a total of 84 cards in the box. A rulesheet is also included. More Info