This page dates back to a previous edition of our Looney Pyramids, when everying was DIY, and you needed to buy pyramids and rules and varous accessories seperately. In 2016 Looney Labs published PYRAMID ARCADE - with everything you need to play 22 games all in one box!
Also see: Cadet Training • Starship Captain Search • Membership Cards
(Download: Welcome, How-To, Guidelines, Tracking, Event Flyer - plus a PocketMod version of the Syllabus)

Each kit contains $90 worth of demo games, and $32 worth of prizes! NET cost to retailers - through your distributor - is only $30! Any Game Technician who has access to the Game Tech store can purchase the kit for $50, active Game Techs running Cadet Training in a store or other public place can contact us about obtaining a kit at the $30 price. |
Q: I already own a lot of pyramids... can I buy the kit without the pyramids?
A: Sorry, you can't buy the kit without pyramids. If you are helping your local game store run Cadet Training, the store can buy the kit, and you can use their kit in the store and leave your personal pyramids at home. If you want to run Cadet Training with friends using your own pyramids you can download the instruction sheets and buy just the Syllabus and Pyramid Primer. Download: Welcome, How to Run Icehouse Academy Training Sessions, Guidelines for Game Technicians, and Cadet Tracking Sheet - you can order the 20-pack of Syllabus booklets and a 10-pack of Pyramid Primer #1 from the Game Tech store.