We will be emailing 10,000+ Looney Labs fans about this years gift on November 21st - giving them the rules to this cool new game called Pink Hijinks for free and telling them they can get $3 off the physical little pink bag version either from our online store -OR- from participating Looney Labs Superstores!
- 25 postcards with free rules & coupon
- 6 discounted copies of Pink Hijinks
The postcards wish our fans a happy holiday and presents the rules to a new game, Pink Hijinks, as our Holiday Gift. You give this card out to the Looney Labs fans in your store. The cards include a coupon for $3 off the physical pink bag version of the game, which they can purchase from you for $9 instead of $12.
"Hey, I've got something for you from The Looneys..."
$27 = (6 x $9) x 50%
You get a full 50% discount off 6 copies at the $9 price!