Name: Across America Fluxx
Street Date: March 3rd, 2023
Game SKU: LOO-126
MSRP: $20.00
Game UPC: 850023181213
Box Size: 3.75" x 5" x 1"
Box Weight: 7.1 oz.
Across America Fluxx comes in a two-part box,
packaged 6 units to a display and 8 displays per case.
High-res contents image

Display SKU: LOO-126-D
Display UPC: 20850023181217
Display Size: 3.8" x 5" x 6.75"
Display Weight: 2.88 lbs.
Units per Case: 8 displays, 48 games
Case Weight: 22.1 lbs
PLEASE NOTE: Demo copies are available from us or our distributors at a 70% discount.
We are setting a delivery date on these items of two days before the street date.
- Distributors: It is okay to send this to stores a little early, so they are sure to have it ready for sale on street date, but please make sure you promote the street date as the date they can start selling the game!
- Retailers: Please don't sell it until the street date if your copies arrive early!