The Timeline (36 double-sided cards)
A1: 3.5 BYA - Life on Earth Begins
3.5 BYA' - Life Doesn't Find a Way
A2: 1930 - Edith Keeler Killed by Car
1930' - Edith Keeler Almost Dies
A3: 1945 - Allied Forces Win Earth's WW2
1945' - Nazi Forces Win Earth's WW2
A4: 1947 - Ferengi Ship Crashes at Roswell
1947' - Ferengi Land at Roswell
A5: 1968 - Astronauts Orbit Moon
1968' - First Eugenics War Begins
A6: 2004 - Xindi Poison Plot Foiled
2004' - Detroit Wiped Out by Plague
A7: 2024 - Bell Riots
2024' - Protests Suppressed
A8: 2053 - WW3 Cease-Fire Agreement
2053' - Earth United
A9: 2063a - First Warp Drive Flight
2063a' - Cochrane Flight Fails
B1: 2063b - Earth's First Contact with Vulcans
2063b' - Earth Still Ignored by Vulcans
B2: 2103 - Mars Colony Established
2103' - Devron Anomaly is Massive
B3: 2153 - Archer Cured of Amnesia
2153' - Archer Infected by Brain Parasites
B4: 2154 - Xindi Weapon Destoryed
2154' - Xindi War Continues
B5: 2161 - Federation Founded
2161' - Confederacy of Star Allies Founded
B6: 2237 - Spock Survives Kahs-Wan Ordeal
2237' - Spock Dies as a Child
B7: 2257 - Kirk Rigs Kobayashi Maru
2257' - Kirk Expelled from Starfleet Academy
B8: 2267 - Doomsday Machine Destroyed
2267' - Doomsday Machine Destroys Rigel
B9: 2268 - K-7 Station Overrun with Tribbles
2368' - Bomb Damages K-7 Station
C1: 2289 - Tribble Homeworld Annihilated
2289' - Tribble Homeworld Purchased
C2: 2293 - Khitomer Accords Signed
2293' - Klingons Remain Hostile
C3: 2319 - Cardassians Begin Bajor Occupation
2319' - Devron Anomaly is Now Big
C4: 2327 - Cadet Picard Stabbed
2327' - Cadet Picard Avoids Bar Brawl
C5: 2344 - Enterprise-C Destroyed
2344' - Enterprise-C Retreats
C6: 2361 - Quark Opens Bar on Terok Nor
2361' - Grand Nagus Quark Buys Terok Nor
C7: 2364a - Picard Takes Command
2364a' - Jr. Lt. Picard. Assigned to Enterprise-D
C8: 2364b - Enterprise-D Encounters Enterprise-C
2364b' - War with Klingons Continues
C9: 2365 - First Contact with the Borg
2365' - Borg Remain Unaware of Humanity
D1: 2366 - The Battle of Wolf 359
2366' - Riker Takes Command of the Melbourne
D2: 2069a - Sisko Takes Over DS9
2069a' - Sisko Turns Down DS9 Assignment
D3: 2069b - Sisko and Dax Discover Wormhole
2069b' - Bajorans Still Await Arrival of the Emissary
D4: 2370 - All Quiet in the Neutral Zone
2370' - Enterprise-D Encounters Devron Anomaly
D5: 2371 - Voyager Gets Stranded
2371' - Voyager Stays Home
D6: 2375 - Dominion War Ends
2375' - Federation Civil War
D7: 2378 - Voyager Evades Borg
2378' - Voyager Steals Borg Technology
D8: 2394 - Voyager Returns After 23 Years
2394' - Borg Destroyed by Voyager
D9: 2395 - Temporal Anomaly Has Not Yet Begun
2395' - Anti-Time Disruption at the Devron System
IDs (32 cards)
James T. Kirk
Arne Darvin
Khan Noonien Singh
Cyrano Jones
Gary Seven
Holographic Doctor
Tasha Yar
Admiral Leyton
Younger Janeway
Older Janeway
Mr. Spock
Berlinghoff Rasmussen
Dr. Phlox
Evil Mr. Spock
Emperor Kor
The Founders
Dr. Leonard McCoy
Evil Energy Being
The Xindi
The Romulans
The Borg
Jean-Luc Picard
Johnathan Archer
Benjamin Sisko
Jadzia Dax
Seven of Nine

Fractures (11 cards)
A8: 2053'' - Terran Empire Founded
B1: 2063b'' - Earth Assimilated by the Borg
B4: 2154'' - Xindi Weapon Demolishes Earth
B5: 2161'' - The Stars Go to War
C2: 2293'' - Klingons Conquer Earth
D1: 2366'' - Federation Assimilated by the Borg
D6: 2375'' - Federation Conquered by the Dominion
Assignments (10 cards)
Data's Quarters
Time is Money
Ready to Beam Down
Starfleet Pets
Juice and Ale
Time Machines
Extinct Creatures
Clip-On Accessories
A Toast to the Captain!
Mementos of the Captain
Artifacts (16 cards)
Humpback Whales
Mobile Emitter
Janeway's Favorite Coffee Cup
Romulan Ale
Prune Juice
Guardian of Forever
The Orb of Time
Data's Head
1,000 Bars of Gold-Pressed Latinum
Inverters (12 cards)
Department of Temporal Investigations
Chrono Deflector
Temporal Conduit
Slingshot Effect
Transporter Malfunction
Q Snaps His Fingers
Temporal Rift
Time Pod
Timeship Relativity
Timeship Aeon
Daniels Sent Me
Actions (30 cards)
Get There First (x3)
Chrono Transporter (x3)
Orders from the Future (x3)
Dimension Decoder (x2)
Mind Meld (x2)
Vent the Warp Core (x2)
Discontinuity (x2)
Swap Artifacts
It Never Existed
Time Vortex
Hitch a Ride
Your Parents Never Met
Phase 1 Search
Trade Hands
Short Range Scan
Static Warpshell Collapses Anomaly
Relinquish Temporal Contraband: Beverage
Relinquish Temporal Contraband: Lifeform
Relinquish Temporal Contraband: Relic
Relinquish Temporal Contraband: Tech
Power Actions 14 cards)
Rewind (x5)
Quick Trip Into the Future (x3)
Memo from Your Future Self (x3)
Time Loop
Invitation to Join the Q
Warp Factor 3
Events (7 cards)
Devron Anomaly Expands (x4)
Temporal Cold War Heats Up
Fractures Happen
Krenim Incursion
4 Fracture Keys Cards (double-sided)
This makes a total of 172 cards in the box. A rulesheet is also included.