Closest Ghost
Watch out for the ghosts as you scramble to pick up your scattered trick-or-treat candies before the other player does!

Stuff You Need To Play:
2 Looney Ludo boards
3 large clear pyramids
2 pawn tokens of different colors (for example, small pyramids)
16 pieces of candy small enough to fit under a large pyramid
Publication History
- This game was first released as the Looney Labs Holiday Gift for 2019.
Other Notes
- Pyramids are not required for this game. Check out this page to play The Closest Ghost Without Pyramids.
- Andy wrote about the invention of The Closest Ghost on his blog.
- A Pyramid Arcade-style reference card for this game is availalble from the Game Crafter.
- The perfect thing for this game is a Fun Size packet of M&Ms, since each typically contains about 17 game pieces.