Twin Win
A quick bluffing board game where you seek to build either of 2 secret goal patterns.
Downloadable Rules:
Andrew Looney
Year Created:
Available In:

Stuff You Need To Play:
5 Trios, each of a different color
10 Twin Win cards (2 matching each color in the game)
Twin Win Board
Publication History
Twin Win is one of the 22 games featured in Pyramid Arcade.
- Twin Win, along with IceDice, was published in a special edition called Ice Duo, in the Fall of 2020, as part of Pyramid Quartet.
Other Notes
- The original Twin Win home page has some early history of the game and links to PDFs for making your own goal cards.
- The first edition of Pyramid Arcade says this game works for 2 or 3 players, but we no longer recommend the 3 player version -- it deadlocks too often.
- Twin Win is named after a vintage pinball machine which Krisitn & Andy have owned for decades.