Zarcana is a game of war, journeys, growth, life, and death, played using pyramids on a board made of tarot cards.

Stuff You Need To Play:
5 Trios of a color for each player
a Tarot deck
Publication History
- The earliest version of this game was published in 1996, in More Icehouse Games, with the name Arcana.
- The name became Zarcana when the game was featured in 1999's Icehouse: The Martian Chess Set.
- This game became overshadowed by the subseqent, superficially similar game, Gnostica. However, Andy greatly prefers Zarcana.
- In 2023, the rules were updated slightly and released as PDFs in the style of the Pyramid Arcade rulebook. Andy discusses the revisions here.
Other Notes
- Zark City was also inspired by this game.