Zark City
A deck of standard playing cards is used to create a gameboard to battle upon.
Downloadable Rules:
Andrew Looney
Year Created:
Available In:

Stuff You Need To Play:
3 Trios of one color for each player
Zark City deck, or a regular deck of playing cards
Publication History:
- Zark City was included in Pyramid Primer #1. The rules from that version are still availble in this PDF.
- Zark City is one of the 22 games featured in Pyramid Arcade.
Historical Notes
- The Looney Labs FAQ page has a section for Questions about this game.
- This game was inspired by Zarcana (the predecessor game to Gnostica) and was originally envisioned as a game you could play using a Lost Cities deck. The name therefore is a combination of the names of those two inspirations.