Word Fluxx
Have you heard the word? The alphabet is now in Fluxx! In this word-building version of the ever-changing card game, the Keepers each feature a letter, and the Goals involve making words of various types. With twice the typical number of Keepers, you’ll have plenty of letters to build nouns and verbs, palindromes, three-letter acronyms (TLAs), Roman numerals, and more! Word Fluxx spells F-U-N!

Game Play
It all begins with one basic rule: Draw one card, play one card. You start with a hand of three cards, add the card you drew to your hand, and then choose one card to play, following the directions written on your chosen card. As cards are drawn and played from the deck, the rules of the game change from how many cards are drawn, played, or even how many cards you can hold at the end of your turn.