Keepers (25 cards)
- The 1st Doctor
- The 2nd Doctor
- The 3rd Doctor
- The 4th Doctor
- The 5th Doctor
- The 6th Doctor
- The 7th Doctor
- The 8th Doctor
- The 9th Doctor
- The 10th Doctor
- The 11th Doctor
- The 12th Doctor
- The Future Doctor
- Captain Jack Harkness
- Clara Oswald
- Donna Noble
- K-9
- Martha Jones
- The Ponds
- River Song
- Rose Tyler
- Sarah Jane Smith
- That Scarf
- Sonic Screwdriver
Creepers (8 cards)
- Cybermen
- Dalek (x4)
- The Master
- Weeping Angel (x2)
- Basic Rules
Goals (27 cards)
- Affirmative, Mistress!
- All of Space and Time
- The Angels Have the Phone Box
- Bad Wolf
- Bunk Beds
- Come Along, Ponds!
- The Doctor Donna
- The Doctor's Accoutrements
- The Doctor's Doctor
- Don't Blink
- Doomsday
- Enemy Timelords
- Exterminate!
- Face of Boe
- Grand Theft TARDIS
- Hello Sweetie
- Impossible Girl
- It's You!
- The Master's TARDIS
- My Sonic
- Regeneration
- Resistance is Useless!
- Spoilers!
- The Time Traveler's Dog
- Would You Like a Jelly Baby?
- You Will Be Upgraded

New Rules (16 cards)
- The Blinovitch Limitation Effect
- Draw 2
- Draw 3
- Draw 4
- Draw 5
- Play 2
- Play 3
- Play 4
- Play All
- Hand Limit 1
- Hand Limit 2
- Hand Limit 3
- Goal Mill
- Get On With It!
- I'm a Genius!
- Allons-y!/Geronimo!
Actions (18 cards)
- Creeper Sweeper
- Draw 2 And Use ‘Em
- Draw 3, Play 2 of Them
- Exchange Keepers
- Let's Simplify
- Move a Creeper
- Psychic Paper
- Rules Reset
- Run!!!
- Space Jackpot!
- Steal Something
- The Pandorica Has Been Opened
- Time Portal
- Time Vortex
- Trade Hands
- Trash a New Rule
- Trash Something
- What Do You Want?
Surprises (5 cards)
- Canceled Plans
- My Turn Next!
- Stop That!
- That's Mine!
- Veto!
This makes a total of 100 cards in the box. A rulesheet is also included.