Looney Labs appreciates Schylling for selling our product Mad Libs: The Game for so many years...
... and we appreciate their retailers who have been buying it from them.

Unfortunately, with production costs rising, we needed to raise our prices, and Schylling just couldn't make it work.

But you can still buy the game direct from Looney Labs! 



Mad Libs: The Game

SKU: LOO-072
Cost: $12.50

Marketing Resources • Retailer Info


1) Request a retailer account 

2) call or email

       (301) 441-1019




Did you know...
We also have an adult version of the game! 

"tasteful, sexy fun without any politics or put-downs"

Adult Mad Libs: The Game

SKU: LOO-423
Cost: $12.50

Marketing Resources • Retailer Info



Thanks for selling Looney Labs games!