Looney Labs in the News!

Blast from the Past Week! We decided to step back in time a little ways and post some older reviews that are noteworthy. Both of these talk about the Looney Labs Fan Program, called the Mad Lab Rabbits:
  • Oct 2005 - Pulp Gamer 7 with Looney Lab Rabbit, Brian Cooksey by Pulp Gamer. Brian Cooksey shares some Looney Labs games and talks about his experience on the Looney Lab's demo team.
  • Oct 2005 - Looney Labs Demo! posted by Mortaine. Eric Zuckerman, a Looney Labs demo rabbit, is interviewed at SiliCon 2005 where he and his partner demonstrate how to play UberChrononauts, a two-deck game combining both Chrononauts and Early American Chrononauts.