For adventurers, Avengers, and everyone in between - Marvel Fluxx and Jumanji Fluxx are coming, and we’re so excited we can hardly stand it! But WHEN, you ask? WHEN?!? There is a lot of confusion about the release date on this product, and we’re here to clear it all up!
The first thing you need to know is that there are TWO VERSIONS of each of these games. We are partnering with Cardinal Games for these licenses (similar to how we’ve partnered with Cryptozoic and Gale Force Nine in the past), and the difference this time is that Cardinal is making their own versions in addition to the Looney Labs versions. Cardinal’s will go in mass market stores like Walmart, Target, and other chains. Looney Labs’ version will go to all the usual places—game stores, toy stores, book stores, and more. For more details about the differences between these two versions (because there are several important differences!), see the chart below.
Now back to the question of WHEN??? Cardinal’s version will hit Walmart and Target stores on August 1st. Looney Labs’ version will just barely squeak in (we hope) in time to be launched at Gen Con, but won’t make it into stores until a week or two later due to Reasons. [We had planned, and tried really hard, to get the specialty versions into our retailer's stores early, before the games hit the mass market stores, but delays in artwork approvals and making sure the cards were the right size and quality slowed everything down.] If you are a fan of Looney Labs games, we think it will be worth your while to wait and buy the Looney Labs version. But if you’re buying this as a gift for a more casual gamer, the mass market version may be your better choice.
Here is a chart detailing the differences:
Published by Cardinal Games, sold in:
On Sale August 1st, 2019
100 cards, bigger box & coin, taped box
$15 MSRP

Published by Looney Labs, sold in:
On Sale early August (by 8/15, maybe sooner)
The same 100 cards + 7 bonus cards, same bigger box & coin, shrinkwrapped box
$20 MSRP

Look for the starburst on the box:

Contact your favorite Local Game Store to order your copies, and if you are a retailer, look here.