Words: 200 cards
A (8 cards)
- Acrobat
- Addiction
- Adult
- Aftertaste
- Agony
- Ample
- Astonish
- Average
B (24 cards)
- Baby
- Bag
- Bald
- Ball
- Ballistic
- Banana
- Bare
- Bashful
- Bath
- Bear
- Bed
- Blow
- Bone
- Bottom
- Box
- Boy
- Breath
- Burn
- Burst
- Bush
- Bust
- Butt
- Butter
- Buzz
C (16 cards)
- Calm
- Caress
- Carpet
- Casual
- Cheek
- Cherry
- Chest
- Chocolate
- Control
- Cook
- Cowbell
- Crave
- Craze
- Cream
- Cucumber
- Cuddle
D (14 cards)
- Date
- Deep
- Delicious
- Deliver
- Desire
- Devour
- Dip
- Distract
- Disturb
- Doctor
- Doughnut
- Dream
- Dry
- Dungeon
E (9 cards)
- Eager
- Ear
- Eat
- Endless
- Engorge
- Enormous
- Enter
- Exit
- Explode
F (13 cards)
- Fake
- Feeling
- Fever
- Fine
- Flesh
- Fluffernutter
- Fool
- Foot
- Forbid
- Full
- Fur
- Furious
- Fuzz
G, H (14 cards)
- Game
- Gentle
- Girl
- Gorgeous
- Hairy
- Hammer
- Hand
- Handcuff
- Happy
- Hard
- Heart
- Hole
- Honor
- Hot
I, J, K (9 cards)
- Imagine
- Impatient
- Impress
- Inappropriate
- Incredible
- Jiggle
- Keep
- Kitten
- Knob
L, M (13 cards)
- Legend
- Lick
- Light
- Load
- Lotion
- Loud
- Love
- Magic
- Massive
- Melon
- Milk
- Moist
- Mouth
N, O (8 cards)
- Naughty
- Need
- Nibble
- Noise
- Noodle
- Nurse
- Nut
- Open

P (20 cards)
- Pack
- Party
- Peach
- Perform
- Pickle
- Pierce
- Play
- Please
- Plug
- Plumb
- Plump
- Popsicle
- Pound
- Prance
- Precious
- Present
- Public
- Pump
- Puppy
- Push
Q, R (9 cards)
- Quick
- Reach
- Refresh
- Ride
- Romance
- Rope
- Rough
- Rub
- Rubber
S (28 cards)
- Salt
- Sandwich
- Sauce
- Scratch
- Shake
- Shock
- Short
- Size
- Sleep
- Slip
- Slobber
- Sloppy
- Slow
- Small
- Sock
- Sour
- Sponge
- Squish
- Satisfy
- Stick
- Strip
- Stroke
- Suffer
- Supple
- Surprise
- Swallow
- Sweat
- Sword
T, U, W (15 cards)
- Taste
- Tattoo
- Teach
- Thick
- Thigh
- Tickle
- Tool
- Torpedo
- Treat
- Trip
- Twiddle
- Urge
- Watch
- Whip
- Whisper
Sentence cards: 42
- [adjective] [noun] is my band name.
- [verb]ing someone else's [noun]...
- Ah college. That was the first time I…
- As it turns out, I should never have…
- Be careful with my [noun]…
- Did you put [noun] in this?…
- Hello, Customer Service?…
- Honey, what's your [noun] doing in…
- How to [verb]: A Beginner's Guide…
- I [verb]ed the [noun]…
- I can't believe you were [verb]ing while…
- I couldn't sleep last night because…
- I don't always [verb]…
- I like my men like I like my coffee…
- I wish you peace, love, and…
- I'm really hoping to get a/an…
- I'm so [adjective]! I had the dream about…
- I'm sorry I missed the party…
- Mom, Dad, I want to tell you something…
- My [noun] won't stop [verb]ing…
- My new [noun] was far more...
- My only regret is that…
- No more mister [adjective][noun]!
- Now on center stage…
- Oh my God, Becky, look at her [noun]…
- Shopping list:…
- The [noun] is mightier than…
- The clinic called. They said I tested positive for…
- The whole team was disqualified…
- Tonight's headline…
- Wanted: [adjective] citizens to…
- We waited to [verb], but when we finally…
- Welcome to the [noun] Store…
- Welcome to the University of…
- Well [verb] my [noun]…
- Well of course our host is popular…
- When I asked you to [verb] my [noun]…
- Which came first, the…
- You can never have enough…
- You can't just [verb] the [plural noun]…
- You have the most [adjective][noun]…
- You just won yourself a one-way ticket to…
This makes a total of 242 cards in the box. A rulesheet is also included.