We have 300 of these awesome event kits left...
They will go on sale in our new B2B website which is going live very soon!
Get the MacGuffin
Who will be eliminated next?
Get the MacGuffin is a quick game where players must make clever use of a limited hand of cards ranging from ridiculously powerful to just ridiculous. A calculated risk might gain you the coveted MacGuffin, but can you hold onto it until the last card is played? Is the MacGuffin even out there at all?

Street Date: April 5, 2018
Delivery Date: April 3, 2018
SKU: LOO-083
UPC: 857848004598
Box Size: 3" x 5 1/2" x 1/2"
MSRP: $10
Demo SKU: LOO-DC-083
The box has a built in hang-tab.
There is no display for this game.
Case Pack:
Inner Case of 12, Master Carton of 48
Download images:
Flat Front - 3D Box - Contents
NOTE: We are setting a Delivery Date on this item 2 days before Street Date.
- Distributors: It is ok to send this to stores a little early, so they are sure to have it ready for sale on street date - but please make sure you promote the Street Date as the date they can start selling the game!
- Retailers: Please don't sell it until the street date if you get it early!