Keepers (21 cards)
- Airborne Cow
- The Animator
- The Catapult
- Coconuts
- Excalibur
- The Finger of God
- The Foot
- The Holy Grail
- Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch
- Important Message
- King Arthur
- Robin's Minstrels
- Nude Organist
- Resting Parrot
- A Shrubbery
- Sir Bedevere
- Sir Galahad
- Sir Lancelot
- Sir Robin
- Unladen Swallow
- Trojan Rabbit
Creepers (6 cards)
- 3-Headed Giant
- Legendary Black Beast of Aaarrghh
- Grim Reaper
- Killer Rabbit (with nasty big pointy teeth)
- The Knights Who Say "NI!"
- The Spanish Inquisition
New Rules (20 cards)
- Draw 2
- Draw 3
- Draw 4
- Draw 5
- Play 2
- Play 3
- Play 4
- Play All
- Hand Limit 1
- Hand Limit 2
- Hand Limit 3
- Hand Limit 4
- Keeper Limit 3
- Double Agenda
- No-Hand Bonus
- Get On With It!
- One, Two, Five!
- I Just Want To Sing!
- Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
- Outrageous Accent
Special Rules (1 card)
- Basic Rules

Goals (31 cards)
- A Bird in the Bush
- Consult the Book of Armaments! (aka Armaments 2:9-21)
- He is Brave Sir Robin...
- Bring Forth The Holy Hand Grenade
- You Must Bring Us A Shrubbery!
- Death of the Animator: (aka: The Cartoon Peril Was No More)
- The Cave of Caerbannog
- The Cheese Shop
- Coconut-Laden Swallow
- 'Course it's a Good Idea!
- This is an Ex-Parrot
- Supreme Exec Power (aka: Strange Women Lying in Ponds Distributing Swords Is No Basis For A System of Government)
- Fetchez la Vache!
- Monty Python's Flying Creatures
- Gone to Meet His Maker
- Grail-Shaped Beacon
- He Bravely Ran Away
- Holy Relics
- I Have a Plan...
- Knights of the Round Table
- The Meaning of Life?
- Message For You, Sir...
- And There Was Much Rejoicing
- Opening Credits
- Quest Accomplished
- Rabbits of DOOM!
- Squashed From Above
- They're Tropical! (aka: This is a Temperate Zone!)
- Unexpected Things (aka: Things No One Expects)
- You're Using Coconuts!
- Who Leaps Out?
Actions (21 cards)
- Stop That! No Singing!
- I'm Not Dead Yet!
- Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink...
- Run Away! Run Away!
- My Brain Hurts!
- Bring Out Your Dead!
- And Now For Something Completely Different
- My Hovercraft is Full of Eels
- This Game Has Become Too Silly
- What Is Your Quote?
- Creeper Sweeper
- Draw 2 and Use 'em
- Draw 3, play 2 of them
- Exchange Keepers
- Jackpot!
- Let's Do That Again!
- Move a Creeper
- Rules Reset
- Steal a Keeper (changed to Steal something in 2020)
- Trade Hands
- Trash a Keeper
This makes a total of 100 cards in the box. A rulesheet is also included.
Expansion cards
Castle Expansion (7 cards)
- The Castle (Keeper)
- French Persons (Creeper)
- Taunting By the French (Goal)
- Camelot (Goal)
- The Castle of Aaarrgh (Goal)
- Second Taunting (Action)
- We Already Got One (New Rule)
Promo Cards (2 cards)
- Sir Not Appearing In This Game (Keeper)
- One, Two, Five! (New Rule) [preview version of card included in game]