Please pre-order Math Fluxx for Pi Day!

Pi Day is fast approaching, so you better start planning your Pi Day events now. We recommend including Math Fluxx in those festivities. Einstein would want you to, because Pi Day is his birthday, too (and he really liked math)! Remember: you can't spell Math Fluxx without Pi! Math Fluxx hits stores on March 9, 2017. In order to help make sure every game store hears about it, knows that Fluxx fans love math, and knows Fluxx fans want to buy this new version, we're asking you (our fans) to pre-order a copy from your friendly local game store. And we made a fun little flyer you can pass out to your Pi Day invitees to let them know your Pi Day celebration will include Math Fluxx! To do this... 1) Enter your zip code below, submit, and click on the MATH FLUXX FOR PI DAY link next to a store near you. Print. Cut up the flyer into 4 smaller flyers. 2) Call or visit this store and pre-order a copy of Math Fluxx. 3) Give a flyer to your Pi Day guests so they know the fun in store for them at your party! 4) After March 9th, visit the store to pick up your game. Play Math Fluxx! Have Fun! Print enough flyers for all your guests and give extras to anyone else you know who might want to pre-order their own copy. Or give them to the game store where you ordered Math Fluxx to help them promote the promotion!
Thanks for helping us ensure Math Fluxx gets shelf space at your local game store!